Okatronic AG

Okatronic AG
Altgraben 31
CH-4624 Härkingen
+41 62 398 44 11

Tuning knobs with LED illumination

Ergonomic tuning knobs with LED illumination and optional flush fitting

OKW tuning knobs with illumination guide the user to the central user interface and also give impressive emphasis to innovative equipment design. In the flush-fitting version the knob can be illuminated, that is, a ring lights up between the recess and the knob cover. In the surface-mounted version, the knob is mounted on an approx. 3 mm high ring, which can be illuminated. The matching PCB with energy-saving LED lighting is available as a white or RGB backlight for individual lighting results. In this way you can show your own colour.

Tuning knobs with collet fixture Control-Knobs


Tuning knobs with LED illumination Star-Knobs
